As reported in the Clinton Courier web edition

The Clinton Central Board of Education voted 5-2 to delay until its March 27 meeting a final decision to close the 50-year-old Jack Boynton Community Pool.

The last-minute decision on Dec. 20 is intended to give the association that operates the pool under a license agreement with the school district three months to come up with a way to legally and financially support the facility.

School board president Tim Elgren repeatedly stated the district will not spend “another dime” to pay for liability insurance and personnel to maintain the pool. nor can the pool association simply pay the district the cost of either. It must a way to take over all expenses association with the pool as well as the legal ownership of the facility.

He stressed the district has violated state law for decades by using public funds to support the pool, however small the amount has been, and on the advise of legal counsel, it must close the pool it owns but does not use.

[Complete details on this story in the Dec. 28 issue of the Clinton Courier]

McDonald’s Fundraiser for the pool.

Clinton McDonald’s has generously agreed to give the Pool 15% of all income from 5 to 7pm (only), on Thursday July 21st and August 4th.

Please support the pool and enjoy a delicious meal.

Support the Pool at the June 28 School Board Meeting

An article appeared in this week’s Clinton Courier about the Clinton Central School Board’s discussion about the future of the pool. At the May 24 Board of Education meeting, the Courier reports, Facilities Committee Chairman Mike Lewis indicated that this could be the last year for the pool. Lewis was quoted in the Courier as saying “I believe the pool is an asset to the community but it needs a lot of work and there are tough times.”

School Superintendent Matt Reilly, on the other hand, said in the Courier that it was premature to suggest that the pool has outlived its usefulness. Reilly told the Courier that they were still working on a plan.

The pool, in fact, has recently been quite useful for the community. During the 2010 season, the pool had more than 3,000 bathers…an average of 51 swimmers each day. There were 53 family membership, up from 38 in 2009.

Dawn Burdick, Clinton Youth Foundation (the pool) VP, noted that “the pool was the last thing this community has for kids during the summer and what a shame it would be to lose it.” A shame indeed.

How can you help? Attend the June 28 School Board Meeting and tell them how valuable the pool is to the Clinton Community.